What is the UDID? |
Each iPhone or iPod Touch has a Unique Device Identifier (UDID), which is a sequence of 40 letters and numbers that is specific to your device. It’s like a serial number but much harder to guess. It will look something like this: 2b6f0cc904d137be2e1730235f5664094b831186. |
Why do you need the UDID? |
Your iPhone can only install programs that are approved by Apple. Applications in the App Store have been approved by Apple for general distribution, but beta customers get to try the app before it’s in the store. We register your UDID with Apple so they can approve our application especially for your iPhone. |
How do I get my UDID? What should I do with it? |
To get your UDID, you have to plug your phone into a computer and copy it out of iTunes. In the right pane, locate the information about your iPhone, including its name, capacity, software version, serial number, and phone number. Reveal the Identifier by clicking on Serial Number. Another solution is to go to https://get.udid.io and to follow the instructions of this website. Fast & easy, this is our preferred solution. |
Once done, paste your identifier into an email to contact@seaside.network ... and we will update the app accordingly. |
It's done! Where can I find the app? |